October 24, 2007

the lodger

today i set out in the beautiful wind and rain to get a taxcard, so that the icelandic government wouldn´t take 35% of my hard earned (more of less) wages. i kind of sensed that this wouldn´t go exceptionally smoothly, because, even the most basic tasks here occasionally require tantamonious effort ( i exagerate only a wee bit), but i tried to be optimistic.

optimisim is merely false hope. however, the entire situation is comical, perhaps due to both my complacency and apathy?

'you can´t apply for a tax card if you don´t have a work permit. do you have a work permit?'

OH. ... RIGHT, yes, that! no.

'what about a student permit?'

blank stare.

thing is, I only planned on staying 3 months, hence, not needing a VISA. however, i also neglected getting a work or study permit, because, well, no one ever asked me to prove i had one, (3 jobs later).

silly me. where am I again?

no bother. i only give about 65% at work most days anyways? and i will still leave with an alright chunk - enough to get me home and some anyways.

the fun loving rainbow side of the problem is that the theatre is employed by the state, and i am a bloody foreigner sans permit. this is mostly a huge problem for them. and then ultimatums come into play. PHUN!

i am employed until Nov. 1st. this is also the first day i will be apartment-less again. oh wednesdays. loosing your job and your place on the same day may sound catatrophic, but it´s much the contrary.

this is all shit i knew subconsciously from the start, but never decided to bring it into play.


Steph, zee German nomad of extreme sorts and i are shacked up in my small room for 5 days, and i lent her my bike to get around more easily, as i am queen bourgeoise with a bus pass.

she´s something a little like: a ..Geselle! ... ?

'Associated, to craftsman, who went through a normal training period (usually three years) and before the chamber of trade or guild the associating examination existed. As certification the associating letter is issued. - lived in the Middle Ages associated in work and group house in the household of the master. In the late Middle Ages the associating moving and Gesellenbruderschaften developed.'

she warned me not to look into it too much because anyone who writes about it online likely hasn´t lived the experience, thus doesn´t know anything about it REALLY.

she has slept in caves, and cement factories, oh, and just plain outside. did i mention it rains here at least 4 times daily? more balls than i can count.

i would be dead by now. i make a terrible nomad most days. i am naturally much to surley to be wet and underslept.

also, i am sick again. hhh-what? wa-low? penicillin? did i eat all of you? icelandic diesease in my throat. dead like a pig.


i love thee.

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