September 27, 2007

'excuse me,... what does sow mean?'

jesus. today the weather was such a huge bitch. i remember the days not too long ago, (maybe 12),when i was le jobless, le schooless, (hhhwhat?) and woke up to the wind and rain trying to break down the modest icelandic architecture, and i could just stick around inside til it calmed the eff down. not anymore.

taking my quasi-nomadism to the city was a good first start, as my dreams of wandering the lush country-side with my wool socks were all to quickly tarnished by the all too uncooperative weather patterns, but its not all that different here. i still feel like a poor farm girl in my oversized wool sweater when im struggling to stay upright against the wind and rain. its really quite a site. i wish i could document it for ya´ll. people complacently pushing on through the streets, unable to see where the fuck it is they´re going. god must hate iceland. its funny, because, until im soaking wet and cold, which has only happened twice, once being today, im laughing in my head about the sheer ridiculouslness of it all. how its so batshit crazy outside and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it but smile and hope to find where it was you were headed.

i, i do love it.

hire a foreigner, but pay them as well as an islander, mmkay? it almost pains me to think ive fallen into this category? before, foreigners were everybody else. how can a canadian be a foreigner? also, why am i working my ass of suddenly? do i look polish or something? I KID. jeeze, calm down. but i haven´t been this pooched since, well, when i used to get really pooched way back before i sat in an office all summer. have i mentioned how when someone asks me something in icelandic, i find myself frantically searching my lexicon for some half assed vocab to string together, and what do i find everyfuckingtime, but le francais. thus, hopefully in quebec some icelandic will sparadically spurr out.

sigur ros´s film premieres this evening, although, i feel that it may very well be sold out pretty hard. it also appears that i may have to give in to buying an all too pricy for me airwaves pass, because, well, i dont feel as though i can justify missing it, especially if people fly in from other countries to document it and take it all in. god dammit.

no kitchen access in t-minus 5 days. can i weigh this against the fact that i will suddenly have washing machine access in the same amount of time ? woof.

anybody wanna send me some tequila? my bones are cold.

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