November 15, 2007

leaving the senses to fend for themselves

oh hells yes.

bad picture taking at its prime.

blurzzz. zanks An.

real, live ghosts.

i didnt mean to look away? next time?

the boys resisting the current you can´t see. i promise its there. ask my ass.

this is about the time my balls really start to ache.

currently, my entire body is still paying the price for my 'surprise' on tuesday.
my legs, and most notably, my ass, is colored in srapes, scratches and bruises.
if you can´t already guess, this was a great surprise.

An and friends come get me at school, blindfold me, drive me out east, strap a bathing suit on me (wait, i did that part), and lure me into a bloody creek/stream with heavy current with a bottle of apple schnaps.

of course, this is pretty warm effing water, as the steam made for horrendous pictures.

so there it is, middle of night in November, and we´re all sitting/struggling in a warm riverbed (nicely equipped with rocks of all shapes and sharpness). dont let me lack of intensity fool you. this was amazing. especially because there are some people doing some weird athletic crap right near us, shaking their heads at us and watching us float around amidst the steam with a bottle each for ourselves.

i am recovering nicely. and still studying. and refusing sleep.
i also did a pretty epic fall off the bridge (no sweat, it was a low one). but wow. i am an ultra spazz. i am almost too cool for my own good. i have never heard such an alarming tone in buddy´s voice when i did go over....... ...! - OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?

shit yes i am!

been papering again (what is with this?) and today is technically my last day of school at the uni. hhhhwhhat? still some shiz to take care of.

selling the bike. the same bike that caused me a fair amount of grief x10 to get here. HOWEVER, i got a feelin that its in good hands! i never believed an Icelander of all people in the world would buy my bike, and in the winter? yae Simmi :)

also, staying with Japanese couch surfing hosts in Ireland is rather up my alley.

double also, did i REALLY write 10+ pages on hydroelectricity? who am i? maybe if my first year enviroment teacher didnt freak me out with propositions to all the females in my class to come over to his place for drinks and dancing, i woulda stuck it out with geography?


foucault is nowhere to be found near hydro plants and dams, and this poses a bit of a problem. CULLLTURALLLL STUUUDDDIIEZZZZ . long live the struggle towards the inevitable panopticon.

and its true. falling sleeping in public places is mostly not a great idea.


Anonymous said...

this semester has gone by incredibly fast, i can't even believe it's almost time for you to be back!

have fun in ireland lass!!!!


Ryshpan said...

Funny how adventures in water are rejuvenating; the more embarrassing, sometimes the better.

Miss you. Safe travels. And all the rest.