November 26, 2007

west to east

tail end of dublin. will elaborate more visually soon via pikturz site.
best dog EVER. sorry mugz.

what are you american? have you ever heard of the IRA?!?!
we're not in iceland anymore.

my eyes are in a permanent state of being only part ways open.

backtrack 3 days, give or take some. depending on what the hell day is it anyway? bear with me here, hungarian keyboards are fookin me up a bit.

the latter half of Eireann (dublin city love) tamed down a bit. but i stress the a bit part. i met some nice irish people on the plane to dublin, and the decision to meet up with them again downtown turned out to be a fabulous idea. i scrapped couch surfing host numero 2, who seemed a bit high maintenance in terms of meeting times, being a laywer and such, and opted for the city outskirts of Blanchardstown with my new friend who spent a year in iceland doing similair work as me, and his mom, who is like the rest of the breed in ireland, ...amazing verbal skills. saying that the irish are fabulous story tellers is a huge understatement.
anyways, i was spoiled to all hell here, and the poochy is theirs. i had my own room (with a BEDDDD) and got what i would like to call my best sleep in months there.
fast forward past black tea and various meat products for breakfast, irish coffee for lunch, and black beer with supper, and i end up somewhere along...
get on bright yellow ryanair plane, fight people for a seat, imagine dying on a bright yellow plane with these othe crazies, and wake up in budapest.
Orsi and her friend meet me at the gate, and swift me off into the maze of a dark and beautiful city at night. beautiful.people.everywhere. we go out, have a gas.
i am becoming exceedingly great at sharades, and guessing what people might mean, speaking slowly and clearly, using hand gestures maximally, and filling in parts of english sentences. gabby and i (orsi's friend) are able to communicate with almost no talking, incohereantly anyways. another example of this is last night when we went for dinner at orsi's parents in the country side, (who, might i add, obviously fed me to the brink of explosion, like all other hungarians i know are as successful with). anyway, amazing dinner. such an array of foodsies im certain her mom spent the entire week pre-paring and fladgulating over, and over dinner, i found myself even being able to understand parts of the non-english exchange, (which was most of it) just by the use of flailing hands and facial expressions. however, you dont want to give them the impression you actually understand what the eff is going on, because then they ask you something in hungarian. this doesnt work. direct address equals breakdown!
more exploring today.
love zee magyars.

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