November 22, 2007

when you go out on the batter with a shower of savages....

that's a fine bit of stuff!

ireland all too inevitably has me drinking as much water as beer and southern comfort (?), as to prevent horrendous hangovers. i will top off a 1.5 litre of water in no time now. no sleep (very little) and the bag is getting heavier? or, i am way out of shape and missing stashing it places. i have kept up with leaving things everywhere i go, slowly getting rid of bits of material me all around the world. a t-shirt there, purse here, stash some other shit over there. i dont need anything but Guinness and a sleeping bag.

oh, so, i found my couch surfer numero uno and his lovely flatmates who have taken to MY accent quite fondly. nursing and communication students at Dublin Uni, and they are effin eff-tackular ( brain is on its way towards total shutdown).

this shit would never fly at McThrill.

Hi, I'm Lindsay. no, im not American. one more guess! and, can we get some pizza? im so bloody hungry, and, you want me to do what? dress up like a moronic fashion victim and come dancing? but its a Tuesday?

sometimes you just have to gell.
dont let the shit eating grin on my face fool you. i was trying to resist the madness.
and, i DID miss halloween.

playing with irish kiddies. this picture is now in the DCU school paper. FAME.

running, jumping, flying...
likely not a good idea to note the bottle of rose im holding. Catherine and Nula, fair play to ya!
i have since moved out, and on to final host number 2.

the weather here is fabulous. i.e., little rain, mostly cloudy, occasionally sunny, light earlier and longer than previous island dwelling, less sample weather, and a few degrees warmer ! i told them all im going to beach. and well, i am. those canadians!

budapest saturday. i think?

ye buck eejit ye, i am le tired. but i am le loving it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get some sleep!! GRRRR!!!!